
Moving Again

I'm getting excited about seeing how this comes out again...


Camilla La Mer-Soul Art Dolls said...

Wow! i love the colorful necklace strands around her neck...very tribal and sophisticated. I can't wait to see how they turn out either.

Pursuing Art... said...

Oh Yummy...I agree with Camilla...very tribal and sophisticated! I can't wait to see it done...I know it will be spectacular!!!

Hugs to you...from a cold and snowy Friday morning...~Lisa ;-)

P.S. Did you get some snow? The passes don't sound good Bobbi...they say they are very icy this morning! Tomorrow and Sunday sound very interesting and dicey too!

s said...

I wanted to drop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Your piece is awesome. she looks like and African Goddess.

beadbabe49 said...

thanks, camilla!

yea, lisa...I think we're home for the holidays!

thanks, sunni!