
Creative Every Day

I've been wondering what challenge to take up for next year and after looking at dozens, I've decided to do the Creative Every Day challenge that artist Leah Kolidas hosts...
What I love the most about it (besides the no-guilt aspect, lol) is that you can change mediums from day to day...although my major love is fiber/bead embroidery, some days I'm just not up to picking up a needle. But leah considers all aspects of life as avenues for creativity (cooking, gardening, etc. as well as the traditional arts/crafts) so I feel I'll be inspired to do something creative every day, or maybe just notice that I do something creative every day already, but just haven't been honoring it? Anyway, I'm excited about doing this and although I may not write something every day, I am going to at least post a photo of each day's CED's.


M.J. Mullins said...

Now this is a challenge I might be able to meet - thanks for the heads' up!

Camilla La Mer-Soul Art Dolls said...

I love this idea...just raising our awareness about the creative things that we do each day is a fabulous, eye-opening goal! I will look forward to seeing your photos as this project unfolds...

Pursuing Art... said...

Sounds like a great and fun challenge Bobbi! I agree with Leah and consider all aspects of life as avenues for creativity. I think you may find that you have been creative each day but just may not have noticed. That's a very positive way to look at each day. I'll look forward to seeing your CED's!

Your December BJP is just beautiful...I love it and I knew she would be spectacular!!! Hands down...she is my favorite! Stunning!

Love the fabric collage too. I would love to see another shot of it too...daylight just seems to be the best for me too!

Love the solstice post and your pictures...they are great! I'm glad we made the turn too! I hope that you do have the opportunity to return one day. I am glad you moved back to Oregon, or our paths may not have crossed.

I wanted to wish you and Chuck a Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great holiday and a happy and peaceful new year!!! Will catch up with you soon.

Sending you a heartfelt hug...~Lisa ;-)

Mary Timme said...

I so admire people who do this. I wish you the best of luck in the coming year!!!!!!

beadbabe49 said...

I know you could, morwyn!
thanks, camilla!
same to you, lisa...email coming soon!
thanks, mary! but you'll probably be seeing a lot of photos...and it will inspire/force me to get more familiar with all the bells and whistles on my camera, lol!

Robin said...

I'm with you and Morwyn on this idea... I LOVE it!!! Thanks so much for posting about it!

Robin A.