

Tweaking...I just love that word!

So, I've been tweaking the blog...I thought I'd add some of my fiber work to the header and since the holidays seem to be heading toward us at a high rate of speed, I also decided to highlight my Etsy shop...several of my students asked where I sold my work and I gave them my business cards with the etsy URL. I've also decided to remove the work I have in the local galleries that carry it and put it in my shop...I've never given the online shop a lot of attention and I want to change that. Plus, so much of my time is spent online, it feels like a second home to me...one with a portal through this funny little machine, lol!

And if any one of you is looking for a small stocking stuffer and like my work, I'm offering free shippping to my blog readers....just be sure you alert me ahead of time, so I can set it up for you...

And, thanks so much for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bobbi I like the beaded houses in your new banner. but Oh I loved the photo in the old one. I dont think I ever did say how much i liked that photo.....

good luck with your etsy shop stocking

Pursuing Art... said...

Tweaking is a great word! You just fluffed up the house and your blog too! You are on a roll. It looks great!!! Oh, I need to spend some time and do the same thing!

The holidays do seem to be heading our way at a high rate of speed! Can't believe that November is almost here. Great idea to put your work in your Etsy shop...perfect!!! And, that is so generous to offer free shipping Bobbi!

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and fall colors...it is gorgeous!

xo~me ;-)

s said...

Hi Bobbi,
I wanted you to know that I had been tagged..I know I have been afk forever.But I am back and have been enjoying your wonderful blog.
So when I was tagged and asked to tag 7 others I tried to choose 7 people that I really love to read their blogs.
So if you go to my blog you can see what you need to do..

janet copenhaver said...

Love the header display your work. Need to head over to see what you have for sale. I'm not much of a holiday shopper, but hey I might find something for myself. :)

beadbabe49 said...

thanks for the kind comments...I'm working on some new ideas for small things to put into the shop...it's a bit bare at the moment...
sunni, I left a comment on your blog about having just been tagged last week, but thanks for thinking of me!

The Lone Beader® said...

Yay cool! I like the Etsy mini. It's fun!

LJ said...

I really like this new header. The old typefaces were very spiffy...but this is you - and it looks great.

Timaree said...

Although I loved the picture of the shore, I really love your folksy little house pins. They are so bright they just call out to stop and visit.

Magpie Sue said...

Love the new header! Now to go check out your etsy shop... ;- )