
Further BAD

I like her so far but I am sure having trouble making decisions....must be time to start on another couple of pieces so I can bring myself to a dead stop, lol!
(her face is really matt black, but I had to overexpose the photo so you can see it.)


Pursuing Art... said...

Oh, she is going to be just grand! Walk away for a bit and she will start talking to you!!! ~wink~

xo~Lisa ;-)

Paula Hewitt said...

very nice - she looks great on that fabric - a technical question - do you use the surrounding beads to hold the face on, or is the face attached as well?

Tracey Leeder said...

Black Magic Woman is going to be stunning! I am so excited to be able to watch her grow! Lovely beginning. Tracey

beadbabe49 said...

I'll do it, lisa! a walk on the beach...

I do both, paula...I used tacky tape (archival double sided tape) and then I peyote stitch the beads into a sort of bezel to keep it held!

thanks, tracey!

Timaree said...

Black magic woman. Well, put the song on and then sit down to bead. See if that doesn't lead you forward. I think it's a really cool idea coming from a really cool song .

Timaree said...

Just went over to see your doll. She came out fantastic. You do very nice, neatly done work.

KV said...

Love, love this face!

Kathy V in NM

abeadlady said...

Great start on this one. It will come to you when it is time to work on her.
