
Art Quilts

We have a show of art quilts from the Rogue Valley Quilters in our upstairs gallery this month and I thought I'd share a few....it's my understanding that these were all the result of challenges. A number of them have beads on them...used sparingly, but to good effect, I think.
The black on black one is just stunning, but difficult to photograph well, I'm afraid...


Robin said...

Funny, I was bragging up your Newport, OR gallery/art center when I was in Baltimore last week and remembering what a fabulous place it would be to take/teach a class. I want to take a painting class there!

The quilts are lovely... wish I could see the black on black details... wonder what it's about. Was there a title for it? Also love the red/rad dragonflies! I bet it's a beautiful exhibition.

Hugs, Robin

abeadlady said...

Yummy! I think the one with the snails is my favorite. Not sure why, but it speaks to me. The black quilt is unusual. Like Robin, I would like to know the story behind it.


KV said...

I like that black one a lot!

Kathy V in NM

beadbabe49 said...

hi robin, arline and kathy! I've taken a few classes in that big room robin, but until last week I hadn't taught in it...but I did a short class on the dotee doll for the hospital in there and it's great to teach in too!
The black quilt is by denise demarie, a friend, so I'll ask her about it the next time I see her. She calls it "Wishes #1", it's 16x29 inches and she's asking $420 for it.

Pursuing Art... said...

How great to have art quilts in the gallery this month! The four you have shared are just beautiful! I wish I could see them all in person!

Thank you for sharing with us!

Hugs...Lisa ;-)