
Birthday Wishes

I was stunned when I came home from the valley last week and went to meet with a few friends and found a surprise party instead! I can honestly say I had absolutely no idea that was going to happen...what a wonderful community of friends around me! And boy, can they keep a secret!
I'll never be able to adequately thank everyone who contributed to my amazing gift (a lightweight laptop, so I can still stay connected!)
I am just overflowing with all the love and sweetness of you all...


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I can only say this (since I already said happy birthday).

Whenever I do something nice for one of my grandkids, they say thank you, I say you're welcome, then I say "And Why" and they say "because you love me".

I think that is an appropriate explanation for your friends generosity~

Hope you had a great day today, too.

Jan said...

Happy Birthday Bobbi! I'm so glad you were surprised with a party, how wonderful and such a loving expression. I was actually thinking of you today and remembering that it was your birthday. I wasn't home at the time so I'm glad I remembered to check in and send you a comment here in time.

lilylovekin said...

Sorry I missed your special day but Happy belated birthday. It sounds like it was celebrated in grand style.

beadbabe49 said...

thank you carol...it felt like love alright!

thanks, jan...hope you were out having fun...

thanks, lorrie...I usually start celebrating about a week before my birthday and a week after....one day just isn't enough!

abeadlady said...

If anyone deserves special treatment, it's you. You give so much of yourself, it's time you were on the receiving end. Hope your birthday was terrific.

beadbabe49 said...

thanks, arline! my friends sure have been taking good care of me the past couple of challenging years!

Janice said...

Soounds like you have a grand day and ... keep on celebrating! Miss you and am looking forward to our next visit.

A.Smith said...

And many happy returns of the day with beads galore and time to play with them! Happy B(ead)-Day as I call mine, nothing makes me happy than spend time, magpie that I am, holding the little beauties and thinking how lucky I am to be able to play with them.

I hope the new meds will take care of that nasty back pain and that you remember that you earned the love and loyalty of your friends.
Take care and hugs from here.

Timaree said...

Happy belated birthday. If you celebrate for the week after I guess you could say I am still in time! What a nice present they all gave you.

beadbabe49 said...

dear allegra...thank you so much for the birthday wishes! alas, my email has gone south again on my desktop computer, so once again I cannot access your blog. Can I be a pest and ask once again for an invitation. I'm using my older laptop for emails and that should work!

thanks, timaree! yes....you're definitely still in time and it was amazing, wasn't it! I still pinch myself when I see it!

Michael said...

Great blog!