

My Valentine's Day offering at my Etsy shop...


Pursuing Art... said...

Oh Bobbi...he is great!!! The Man In The Moon looks like he has a little devil in him! ~wink~ I love the vintage sequins and bugles around the edge too...he is very cool! ;-)

janet copenhaver said...

That is a beautiful piece!

skyewriter said...

That is gorgeous.

I can tell a lot of love went into this piece.

M.J. Mullins said...

I love the expression on his face - that is just priceless.

Pat said...

That little man is really wondering "is it really love I feel". I remember that feeling, very funny and disquieting. The work is terrific. You enhanced the carving to express the wonderment in the face.

Anonymous said...

ooo...very cute! I really like him!

Magpie Sue said...

Very cool heart. May have to buy myself a Valentine's day gift this year ;- )

beadbabe49 said...

Thank you all for your kind comments...this is one of my favorite faces and I love making different variations of him to bead.

Maggie R said...

This is a darling piece...and I too love this face. Probably because it does look mischievious!
Thanks for popping by my blog... I like what Blogger has done with the followers. but at our expense!!
I got some of my followers back... Hope you did too...
Have a great beady day