

Well, I'm back to work again...got a bit more done on the blues piece and have picked out some of the crazy lace agate pieces to work on....at first I thought of a couple of pendants but now I'm thinking I might incorporate them into my december bjp piece...if I listen just a bit longer, I'm sure they'll tell me what to do...;)


Pursuing Art... said...

Oh, the blues piece is 'flowing' along beautifully and those crazy lace agates are gorgeous! I know when they whisper to you where they want to be, the results will be stunning!

Hugs to you...Lisa ;-)

Denise said...

that agate is amazing!! I'd be making pendants out of it! I love the lower piece on the left - have you seen how some people bead and extension of colours coming off the stone? These would be so amazing done like that!!!
Where on earth did you find these stones?
Cheers, Denise