Our local hospital has a wonderful support group for breast cancer survivors and their families and one of the things they've been able to do is offer art classes for the patients and their families. Well this year they've also been able to find the funds to offer some classes for the hospital staff and I'll be one of the instructors. I've taught a form of dotee doll in previous sessions but this year decided I'd like to teach an improvisational felt heart that can be worn as a pin/pendant or just hung from a ribbon as an ornament or small wall hanging. I've only made a couple of examples, because I want each heart to be special to each student. Improvisation is probably one of the hardest things to teach but one of the most rewarding to the students so I'm really looking forward to the class.
Here are the two samples...I tried to make them quite different to give them some idea of the range of possibilities in improv! Also, the class is only two hours, so I couldn't get too carried away.
I really like these. What size are they or do they vary?
What a nice experience this will be for your students!
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
how neat! you'll have to take pics and ask your students if you can show off their work. would love to see the creativity that comes out of your class!
I like this idea, and your samples. The best past is that the finished heart can be multi-functional -- best of all worlds!
What a wonderful idea! Your pieces are beautiful. I think they would be fun to make.
wow...thanks for all the really nice comments!
deborah, they're cut from 3x3 inch squares so are about 2.5x3 inches.
I'll try to remember pics...
Bobbi, this is such a great idea. There would be not better shape than the heart. Its a cool thing to do.
xx, Carol
very good karma. bless your heart!
Love the concept, love the class samples! Good on you :- )
These samples are wonderful and I love the heart...it's perfect. What a fun class for you to teach...I know they will enjoy stitching these! ;-)
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