
TIF Finished

My March TIF is done, although I need to print out another book...but I'm out of colored ink for the printer so that will have to wait until next month. But this is pretty much what it will look like. I took some of my older drawings and shrunk them into tiny sizes and put them into the accordian book for this month's piece. I love the tiny details of flowers, so they were my theme...and the color of the fabric actually matched the color palette for this month, so I scored twice, yay!


Mary Timme said...

Okay, So a tif is usually a file on a computer, and I'm not sure what your TIF is, can you give me a clue? Help!

beadbabe49 said...

sorry, mary...it's the Take It Further challenge from my side bar...background info if you click the link.

Denise said...

I really like this one. Love the book pocket and the inclusion of the book. I am behind on this and beaded journal project. I'll catch up!
I'm still beading that vessel you made way long ago. I am enjoying it!!
Oh and then I got on Beaded Art Dolls and am doing a flat beaded puzzle doll. It's cool!
So keep me up to date on your work and when I finish this school project, I can jump in!!
Cheers, Denise

beadbabe49 said...

thanks, denise!

Timaree said...

I haven't even started this month's yet! This one looks great as usual. It's really neat that you are using your small drawings for your piece too.

Anonymous said...

This is very cute! - sorry I havent visited for a while. I like those little seahorses too, what is bead and buttons problem!!