
New Month, New Holiday

Here we are at a new month and it seems like it will be a long time until christmas, but I know the time will just fly by! I think that's one of the most surprising things about getting older for me...how fast the time goes by, even while practicing being in the moment!
I didn't get up early on friday but I managed to get to the stores in time to pick up a couple of 4 gig SDHC cards for the new camera and a sweet little Canon selphy photo printer that does dye sublimation prints that are water resistant like "real" photographs. I'm having fun with the printer and thinking about putting some photo cards in my etsy shop or maybe in a local gift shop or two. But then the photography would be "work" and might stop being fun, so I'm not decided yet.


Deborah said...

Sometimes it's hard to tell. If you really enjoy it, it may end up still being play and not work. But I know what you mean.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I know exactly what you mean about will play become work AND time flying.

What I have also found is less ambition to undertake large projects. That's the worst for me.

Glad you bought yourself a toy!! I am still looking for mine, whatever it will be!!


Pat said...

You sound so "with it". Yesterday, I had a hard time downloading on my ipod after someone "helped" me out. Right now, I feel electronically depleted!! You make me feel jealous.

Magpie Sue said...

That line between work and play is one of the finest in existance for an artist isn't it?!

beadbabe49 said...

It might, deborah...

Same here, carol...but I've always been drawn to small things, so I'm just going down a bit smaller yet, lol!

Don't feel too jealous, pat, I never did get to where I could program my video (tape) player! I do much better with the DVD player though...so there's hope!

It is, sue...as you know!