
January Bead Journal Project

I have the patterns (my right hand in two sizes) and the fabric, but I'm going to hold off on assembling the beads and other embellishments until january, otherwise I couldn't hold back my momentum!

I'm thinking I may frame these like I did with the two practice hands I did while trying to figure out what size and shape I'd go with...

Or...I may do something entirely different with the hands...but it's definitely going to be HANDS!

Homage to Hands, in fact...


Jackie (Tillie's Daughter) said...

Did you photocopy your hand, Bobbi?
Looks neat --- can't wait to see your progress --
in January LOL.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, its a cool and different idea. I am going to collect my shape and organize "stuff" during the week after Christmas.

Next year will be a good year.
Merry Christmas.

KV said...

Love this cool idea, Bobbi!

Kathy V in NM

Deborah said...

This is going to look great! I really like the fabric, and I also quite often have used hands in my work, although not lately.

Pat said...

How strong your hands look! They look so capable.

Magpie Sue said...

I'm a little jealous of your momentum bobbi. I'm going to have to wait until after Christmas at least before I can even think about my BJP pieces! I WANT to, but other things are taking priority right now ;- )

beadbabe49 said...

I did, jackie...

Sounds good, carol...

thanks, kathy and deborah...

short and wide, like picasso's, eh, pat!

I know the feeling sue, I'm just having an exceptionally good week since my mom & son are coming to us this year so we don't have to travel up to washington!

Susan Elliott said...

Too cool Bobbi. I can't wait!

Timaree said...

Oh my gosh, you are so ready and I don't even know what I am going to do!