My DH took up gardening about 5 years ago and has just totally transformed our place....he says he's working on a 10-year plan, but I'm already so amazed when I look at photos from even just 3 years ago and see the differences....for one thing, it takes me hardly any time to mow anymore. Between the huge raised strawberry bed and the raspberry patch and the flower beds, there isn't much lawn left...which I'm delighted by. I think next year we'll have to plot out some paths...barkdust would be the least expensive but I'd love to put down some pavers....maybe we'll have a windfall and be able to afford some....I'll keep that thought in mind.
This is the raspberry patch to the left...they're over my head now but will be pruned back when most of the leaves are gone...
Straight ahead are the grapes our neighbor planted....we love them a lot since they're as into privacy as we are, so when we're in our back yards we can hardly see each other...yay!
what a lovely garden. Have you thought about making pavers for your paths. We recently made some from cement, into which we embedded glass pebbles, shells, pebbles, leaf prints etc. the kids had fun, and we had some unique pavers - i thought it might be a little like beading.....
that's a great thought, paula...I'll run it past the "gardener", lol!
We made a neat path from the street to our front porch using a neighbors discarded broken cement patio.
If you'd like picture email me at
Believe it or not, we have had so much rain in the past few weeks that there are things growing where nothing has grown before! My day for yardwork was to have been tomorrow but it has been raining steadily since dinner time and I am wondering just how wet and mucky everything will be in the morning.
Such an unusual situation for us here!
Kathy V in NM
The garden looks great! Huge raspberry plants! It is nice that the neighbor put in the grapes too...I love the leaves on them and they are great for privacy!!!
Hugs ~Lisa ;-)
P.S. Wow, I am behind in your posts!
thanks, susaw...I'll talk to my husband and see if he's interested since he'll be doing most of the work.
maybe you got our rain, kathy? not that I want it back yet!
thanks,'re not behind! there is no behind in the cyber-world!
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