and I've been tagged by
arline to do a meme...
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
1998 was a major year for me as I began making art fulltime after losing my job as a graphic designer. I didn't realize at first that I was done with the 9-5 world but when the opportunity came to work just a few hours a week at our city-owned visual arts center and I realized that along with my husband's social security we could manage, I jumped at it. Like robin, we've almost always been poor by US standards but very well off by world standards (i.e. always had a roof over our heads, always had plenty to eat, clean water to drink, nice clothes, transportation, etc.) so we don't need an awful lot of money to live well on.
2. 5 things on today's to-do list?
Pick up books at library, recycle bottles and cans and buy a few groceries, visit local bead shop to see the gals and chat, return videos to friend who loaned them...and that's 5.
3. Snacks I enjoy?
braeburn apple and tillamook vintage white extra sharp cheddar cheese
tillamook kiwi lime yogurt
non-fat pretzels
4. Things I'd do if I were a billionaire?
I've had a dream for many years of buying some major acreage and building an intentional community of my friends and family. Each friend or family would build their own home or have it built if they weren't able or interested, but they would all be handbuilt in some fashion...cob, wood, dome, etc. and fit well into woods. There would be a community building with a dining room, so if you didn't want to cook meals would be provided and a large building with room for many individual studios and maybe a small theatre for plays and musical performances, since many of my friends are artists and artisans and I can't imagine an intentional community without art. In recent years I've added farm acreage to the dream, so there would be an organic farm and also have a small clinic for us aging baby boomers and our "kids"... I also considered a small hacienda in Mexico so we could go south for a couple of months in the wet cold winter.
5. Places I have lived?
This is going to be a long one!
Born in Ludwigsburg, Germany
Lived in Heilbronn, Germany (my mom's hometown)
Columbus, Georgia
Elma, Washington (my dad's hometown)
Ft. Lewis, Tacoma, Washington
Mannheim, Germany
Tacoma, Washington
Bellingham, Washington (college)
Portland, Oregon
San Jose, California
Portland, OR
Waldport, OR
Seattle, WA (when the economy tanked)
Corvallis, OR
Monmouth, OR
Yachats, OR
Newport, OR (last 13 years)
6. Peeps I want to know more about?
Lisa of
Pursuing ArtMorwyn of
Another CountryKathy V. of
Artful MuseHelene of
Le nid de ColibriMagpie Sue of
From the Magpie's Nestand Linda of
Wild Wicked Beads because I know she's got lots of time, lol!