
April TIF

It's done, although I haven't printed out the book yet....this one will have photos of my family in the 70's and again in the 2000's....lotta changes in the past thirty plus years!

The little face is coming along slowly...BUT THAT'S OK, lol!


KV said...

These little books are going to become a precious heirloom someday, Bobbi!

Kathy V in NM

Anonymous said...

Lovely! such a beautiful serene face, and lovely colours

Jackie (Tillie's Daughter) said...

Gorgeous, Bobbi.
Love the face with the spring colored beads --- she is just delightful.

abeadlady said...

I love what you are doing with the face. What are the cone shaped beads? I've never seen them that small before.


beadbabe49 said...

thanks, kathy, paula and jackie!

arline, they're tiny dentalia shells.

Pursuing Art... said...

Love her face and colors! I agree with Kathy...they are going to become a precious heirloom someday! Keep doing what you do so well ~ Bead On! ;-)

Timaree said...

Super face. Love the way you beaded around it.