
A Bit Early...

but I've been working so slowly, I felt I better strike while the muse was beside me!


erin said...

so cool! the colors are awesome. i love the way the face looks suspended by the branches in the background fabric. are the spires of the sun/flower beads?

beadbabe49 said...

hi erin...thanks! they're actually vintage glass sew-ons with a real delicate silver backing (it comes off if you scratch it) and they're leaf shapes.

GraceBeading said...

oooh, I like it! Love those beautiful leaves - nice touch! I think I have some of those in red.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this one.

Dusty Devoe said...

You are so talented! Love the colors too.

KV said...

Another awesome start, Bobbi!

Kathy V in NM

abeadlady said...

Great start, Bobbi. As always, I love your fabric choice.


Timaree said...

These colors really go well together and the points on the leaves keep the feel of the background. This is going to be lovely.

Pursuing Art... said...

I love where you are going with this page! The face and flower are wonderful and I adore the fabric...yum!!! ~me