
Sebastian...oops, make that Oliver

I, personally, would never name a cat sebastian, but apparently that is his name....go figure!

Maybe now I can get some work done!

Late breaking news...he's changed it to Oliver...I think this one will stick!


Anonymous said...

Sebastian is a good cat name - You'll get used to it. I have an Alexander and Elliot - I had to switch their names since I had them reversed. Your Sebastian looks just like my Elliot

janet copenhaver said...

Cute kitty!

Jackie (Tillie's Daughter) said...

What is he watching so intently?
Sebastian is a great name and he looks to be a great cat (kitty). If he sat next to our Polly their black would blend perfectly LOL. (Except, of course, Polly is a dog -- althogh so far she likes the cats she sees)

beadbabe49 said...

thanks, anon.!

hi, janet!

bg, he's looking at the birds around the birdfeeder...

does polly have any white at all? sebastian has a few hairs on his chest and his tummy...that way we could tell them apart, LOL!

beadbabe49 said...

oops...looks like he's changed it to Oliver....as in Oliver Twist...he's always asking for "more porridge"...

Judi D said...

Great name for the kitty, he sure is cute....Oliver. Looks like he would really like to go outside, until he gets there....lol.