
Found It

As soon as I found the abalone birds, I knew what the overall design was going to be....and with so much going on in the background fabric, I decided a simple hand would work much better than one with it's own pattern. Not quite done yet, but close...

It seems hard to believe we're already 2/3 of the way through this year's bjp!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Wow. Love this piece. Where did you ever find the birds. they are perfect. Can't wait to see what this piece is about.

Lynn said...

Lovin' the blue fingernails!

KV said...

Yep, I knew you would find just the perfect way to finish this piece!

Kathy V in NM

abeadlady said...

Yes, yes , yes! The birds are the perfect touch for this one.

The Lone Beader® said...

The birds are really pretty!

Unknown said...

This seems to be shaping up pretty good. Its original and beautiful...Thomas

Magpie Sue said...

I really like the way this one is developing. But then, I'm a sucker for anything with birds ;- )

Pursuing Art... said...

It is wonderful, Bobbi...absolutely adore the abalone birds you've added and the hand too! It is hard to believe we're 2/3 of the way through...don't think that I'm not freaking out!!! Ah, did you have to go and say it?!!! ~wink~

I've been thinking about you...note coming soon! Things are settling down and getting better here. I'm almost caught up with BJP...now, how to post about them ALL! *Simply* at this point.

Sending you a big hug...hope you are having a nice weekend too! I'll talk to you soon. ~me ;-)

a2susan said...

This piece seems so peaceful. I look forward to seeing what you add to finish it. I hope that what you are reaching for is beginning to come true for you.


erin said...

can't wait to see it when you've finished! so exciting. =)
hugs! erin

beadbabe49 said...

thanks for all the kind comments!

I've had the birds for such a long time I can't remember where they came from...but I've decided to stop saving my favorite treasures for use "some day" and start using them now, so there may be a few pieces that go so far back I can't remember where they came from and a lot that I bought that are vintage and couldn't find more of even for myself...but I will be glad to share the ones I can remember.

Timaree said...

Love those fingernails! Looking really nice so far. Don't remind me how far behind I am, pleeaase! lol.