Two faces..
several months ago I was approached about teaching a couple of classes at a day-long workshop put on by my local bead shop. I was happy to be asked and decided I'd teach how to bead around a face bead...yeah, the face swap came along a month or so later and the synchronicity blew me away...
anyway...I beaded a couple of faces (made by a friend of mine) and put them in the shop as class samples....as it turned out no one signed up for that class which was just as well, since by then the carpal tunnel made beading problematic!
But it got me to thinking about beading and teaching and what a small subgroup of beaders I belong to - people who not only have the patience to spend 50+ hours on one piece but actually love to do it! There isn't really any kind of beading I don't like to do (well, maybe loom work..;), but starting a piece of bead embroidery with some small idea of where it's going and then just following along until it's finished is one of the major joys of my life.
And that's number one on my list of 5 weird things about me....I'm still tying to find the other 4!
I sure would have signed up for the class if I lived in your area. So far the only beading "classes" here are jewelery --
and there is nothing in my town -- so, if you ever come to IL let me know -- I'll be first to sign up. Hugz, BG
I was approached to teach that type of class last week. I'm thinking about it. i should get more involved in the beading community. But, I need to come up with a plan first...
Also, I really like your faces, esp. the one on the right:)
Hey Beadbabe,
Nice, nice faces! I like the more subtle one on the left....oooooh. I have just signed up for a class on how to bead around a cab. I may never need to do it again, but inquiring minds need to know HOW to do it.
Donna in Florence/Florenza when I am being creative.
thanks, bg! I'll be sure to do that!
lb...you're going to have to scrap that pesky day job if you keep this up!
I found that teaching at a bead shop made prepping for classes so much easier! Didn't have to make up any kits or worry about needles, thread, light, etc...they even provide magnifiers and reading glasses for those who don't realize it really helps to be able to see the little tiny beads if you want to play with them!
hi donna1 would that be florence, italy or florence, oregon? yeah, I spent the first 10 years doing off looms beadwork and didn't get sucked into bead embroidery until I had some wonderful old flatbacks that I just could not figure out how to use in any other way!
If that's wierd, then I'm a plum crazy wierdo! I'm with you about not much caring for loomwork as well, though it's actually how I got started with beads way back about a hundred years ago in Girl Scouts.
That WOULD be Florenza OR.... I started with loom work with beads, went to fabric and still not happy with what I wanted to see, segued into a tapestry loom which allowed me the freedom to create pictures. My dad was an artist and had me working with oils when I was a kid. My downfall is the creative side, still is. No imagination, I need a distinct inspiration or a pattern. One side of the brain "she's a no work so good" I guess.
I just got out of the vintage costume jewelry biz, all I kept were some big old Czech flatbacks with holes in the corners, could NOT just let them go, want some to play with?dmzapp@gmail.com is my direct addy. Give me a holler.
I know you are, robin! (although it seems that all the "weird" things about us are more just unusual, rather than actually weird!
hi, donna! well, you're very close then...if you ever come up to newport to the bead shop give me a yell and I'll meet you there...(I'll send you my phone # via email)....the Czech flatbacks sounds interesting, would love to see them even though I'm not able to do much playing right now due to the carpal tunnel!
Have you heard of the Mask Project in Denver? Wonder if they would allow done with beads. All proceeds from the auction go to Hospice. My very good friend was spot lighted last year. I posted about her mask on April 14 of this year. If interested go to that post for the link. Not sure how to link in a comment. Sorry:>
So sorry that link doesn't work anymore. Probably since I switched to Beta. Well, if you really want to see it go into my flickr photo and you'll find it.
I'll go check it out janet...thanks!
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