Two faces..several months ago I was approached about teaching a couple of classes at a day-long workshop put on by my local bead shop. I was happy to be asked and decided I'd teach how to bead around a face bead...yeah, the face swap came along a month or so later and the synchronicity blew me away...
anyway...I beaded a couple of faces (made by a friend of mine) and put them in the shop as class it turned out no one signed up for that class which was just as well, since by then the carpal tunnel made beading problematic!
But it got me to thinking about beading and teaching and what a small subgroup of beaders I belong to - people who not only have the patience to spend 50+ hours on one piece but actually love to do it! There isn't really any kind of beading I don't like to do (well, maybe loom work..;), but starting a piece of bead embroidery with some small idea of where it's going and then just following along until it's finished is one of the major joys of my life.
And that's number one on my list of 5 weird things about me....I'm still tying to find the other 4!