

I'll be working some more on the 4th Basho piece...when it's done I'll be 1/11 of the way there..LOL! Well, I've got till summer of 2008, so I guess I'll make it...

and that went faster than I thought it would...it's done for the moment.


The bad Liz said...

Very nice - I would have thought of those colours together, but it's looking really cool!

Jackie (Tillie's Daughter) said...

Oh, oh, this is soooooo great --- I think Basho would be proud of you ;-)

beadbabe49 said...


I've started #5, and I'm liking it also...it's a bit more of a challenge.

The Lone Beader® said...

Wow! That is FuNkY! I am so loving this new piece, Beadbabe! I can't wait to see how it progresses. =:)

nordwolke said...

That is really wonderful! I love suns. It is a sun, isn't it?

beadbabe49 said...

hi, be...actually, it's a japanese goddess burning ...and then the top part is a flowering tree..:)
sometimes I do a more literal translation and sometimes more subtle..

nordwolke said...

Ah ok! Thanks for the explanation. It looks great, be it a sun or a burning goddess (which could be the same ...). ;)

Jackie said...
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